Thursday, 29 August 2013

Now for the lovely and talented Michelle

I used to frown on connecting with people in cyberspace.  So happy I opened my mind!  I joined a private group on Facebook for adults with Muscular Dystrophy where I met a fabulous group of people.  One of them is Michelle who has an amazing marriage and knows how to enjoy life!

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I want to thank Laurie for letting me a Guest Blogger today.  I wanted to tell you about a website my husband and I have started
It is hard to reinvent yourself when you’re not a POP-STAR.
Hi my name is Michelle.  I have been diagnosed with adult onset Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD).   Five years ago (ok maybe 6) I was a single mother of 2 teenagers when I started having trouble getting up from a chair or going up stairs.  I thought, “I need to get off my booty and start working out.”  Which is exactly what I did.  As I was working out, I was breaking down muscle tissue in my core muscle group (stomach, back, hips, hamstrings, shoulders) as everyone does during a workout.  Unfortunately, LGMD inhibited the muscles from repairing. I thought the same thing you are thinking, “Oh man, that SUCKS.”
So, I went from a very active person using her two legs and all her major muscle groups to a very active person that uses a fancy powered wheelchair (insert snarky face here).  The transition has not always been smooth and those close to me know it isn’t quite complete yet (sigh).  Just when I think I have come to terms with the “new” me, I am confronted by something else (who knew you couldn’t get off a Cruise Ship at most Port of Calls if you are in a powered wheelchair, they really should put that in the brochure, Grrrrrr).
My husband, Jim (more on him later) and I started this blog in hopes of sharing information, tricks and tips, information, humor, recipes, research and even Bow Chicka Bow Wow strategies (wink, wink) that have worked for us or we have heard works for others.  While we are not experts, we will be sharing information we wish we could have found.  The process has not been easy and it doesn’t seem to end.  We hope to become friends with the folks who read our blog and hope you share your journey with us.  We hope to create an area where others can go to learn about dealing with an acquired disability or adjusting to disease or aging.   We want to share information on new technology, travel, or offer encouragement.  All are welcome, whether you are interested in this blog for yourself, a family member, or a friend.  We all know someone in transition.
This is our JOURNEY.  It is not a dress rehearsal. The time to LIVE and LOVE is NOW.  Thank you for being part of it.  Please visit us at and leave us a comment!!